Fate 2
Destiny 2’s The Final Shape campaign is arguably the best it’s ever been, but players may find themselves hitting a brick wall for the final fight. It took me over an hour on Legendary mode, and I’d say it’s a lot harder than anything that came before, even though there are some more difficult story fights.
It got a lot easier by the time I figured out the mechanics and patterns I needed to survive, and I think I can give you some tips on how to beat him in any class, as some things about combat are universal. So here’s what I learned, and spoilers follow.
First, don’t lose heart – Once I saw that a subdued kill was only removing a third of the Witness’s shield, I was worried that there would be three long hard phases. There are only two, and two submissives to kill. Still difficult, but there is no third or direct with The Witness. Your allies will come to your aid and the last part of the shield is a gymie.
Super Burst – I highly recommend a big blow up super which even on Legend, can take roughly half of the Subjugator’s health right off the bat to start the Aegis part of the fight. Then you’ll probably get it back by the time you’re ready to fight the second one, or close to it.
Fate 2
Undertaker of the Stasis – This is the harder of the two, and you fight it first. Stay on the back ring of barriers, as it’s a little harder to ice him back there. As soon as he starts to put out his ice, run like hell to another obstacle, push slowly, don’t shoot the ice. If you’re surrounded by a lot of crystals, he can insta-kill you when he blows them up. Of course this also has to be timed so the Witness doesn’t slice you apart when you’re going between barriers, but you should just get out of the slow regardless. Sometimes you can get out before I catch you.
Attack of the witness – This can be one of the biggest problems with brawling and the reason you’ll find yourself randomly dying out of nowhere. The attack and the location of the Witness are not well telegraphed. There is a small indicator in the lower right that says he is preparing for an attack. You have to hide behind an obstacle, but you also have to know where it is. He’s usually in the middle, but he can also go to the sides and hit you behind some barriers if he has the right angle. Always hide from this, don’t run, you probably have a 70% chance of dying if you run in the wild.
Aegis phase – This seems kind of hard, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. Take the shield, stand by the corridor. Kill the Thrall that runs towards you to super charge. Then look (when the Witness isn’t attacking) and blast the Undertaker’s super shield. Now, and this is important, DO NOT GO FIGHTING THE SUB. Run straight to the rally flag part of the map as the Witness is about to perform an auto attack. Then hold the shield at the light crack which will give you infinite energy. You have to stay there for a long time as it takes forever for the “storm” to clear.
Fate 2
Undertaker Kill – Then the shield will disappear and you’ll have to kill the sub the old fashioned way, since you probably don’t have a super-up again. Don’t get too close. I used a machine gun for heavy, as the rockets were too unreliable and it’s not time to break out a sword. I’ve been told that Leviathan’s Breath and Deathbringer are also good options here. Use an AOE weapon for Grim add clear. You don’t have to worry about little field companions. Aegis Corridor is a somewhat safe place to stay for damage, but it can be difficult to get an angle on the Subjugator with so much in the way.
The subject of the thread – It’s the same, but now the air is poisoned. This looks worse than it is. You just have to open one of the nodes every 45 seconds, which isn’t that hard. Just run fast, hit, don’t get hit by the Witness, go hide again. Strand Subjugator can really suspend you, which if caught can kill you, but you can slowly drift into the air behind a barricade, and this attack isn’t nearly as bad as the Stasis Crystal’s crack. At half health (use that super burst again if you have it), you repeat the same Aegis phase and ultimate damage phase I said above, though remember the poison air timer.
FINALS – After the second Subjugator kill, your allies will appear to help you. Theoretically you can still die here for random extras, but you just have to pick up the sword and go in for the final kill on the shrouded statue, and the fight is over.
Wow. Yes, it is difficult. Very difficult. But I think this is justified, give the shares here. Really curious to see how hard raiding can be now if this is alone campaign.
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